Coalition application essay with detailed instruction

Coalition application essay is something really different in academic writing. It hasn’t existed till the end of 2015, so this kind of academic paper is absolutely young. But now it is a regular task in a set of different schools. They also have a title for their community – ‘the Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success.’ Shortly it is also called CAAS. The general amount of schools which accepted Coalition idea is over 90.
Coalition application schools and colleges
So only at the end of the year 2015 Coalition platform started its story. The Ivy League, Stanford, and other popular colleges joined this program as its beginners. They have chosen a simple, but the valuable aim of this program: to make education free and affordable, to improve the application process for candidates.
While this idea was just established, it faced with unpleasant rumor. It was said that elite education establishments aspired to make a common app alternative. But months after this statement was reviewed and admitted as a fake one. So CAAS continue developing as well with coalition application schools.
According to the requirements of Coalition ideas, the school must demonstrate high success in studies. It should be at least 70% in the general rate for the last 6 years. Other indexes may be a reason not to accept exact school to the Coalition team. Besides these main requirements, there are other important rules for Coalition school. So here is the list of full requirements:
- at least 70% in general rate for the last 6 years;
- lower-income pupils must have an opportunity to study in such establishment;
- students must have access to interesting and useful programs.
By meeting such criteria, the school demonstrates its reliability to make education really easy for smart students no matter what.
The concept of the Coalition application means a real free space for students’ education. Besides traditional knowledge in common fields, they can get more practice and communication skills. Both young and senior students can join such opportunity. Nothing is important but their desire and talent. With such a project, children get a chance to produce really valuable things and share their thoughts with open-minded people. In such a situation they will get enough support to keep going their successful studying. For instance, if candidates are lack of money, the committee can propose them fee waivers. It could give them free lunch and other bonuses. Each member of such a community feels free to communicate with teachers, students, mentors, and other people for getting more experience and knowledge.
So Coalition application schools have such aims:
- to make the process of organizing and improving students’ academic skills easier;
- to discover possibilities and real opportunities to enter college;
- to help the applicant to prepare his coalition college application on the highest level and with a high possibility of success.
All students can check do exact school match their desires and possibilities. There is a special tool that mentions the academic level, location, interests, financial opportunities, etc. You can discover your options around the whole country.
All current members of the Coalition are satisfied with the results of using such platforms. In addition, they expect more members to join this Coalition in the future.
The Coalition idea is still developing. It is great, but not perfect. That’s why all members if this community try to improve its rules and adapt it according to applicants’ needs.
3 important things in using Coalition platform
#1. As you understand, such particularities in studying and general attitude between people cause changes in paper writing. They do not write average reviews and essays as their college applications but use their portfolio for this. As a result, such an approach allows universities to estimate the real personality and talent of the candidate. But on the other side, students must be attentive to every task. It is an unacceptable way for applicants who value their future. So
write your papers well or hire professional help.
#2. There is also no lack of communication between the school and the candidate. The school does not hurry up to make a choice, so can use all options to get acquainted with potential applicants. The absence of rush means only positive consequences for both schools and students.
#3. Each school has an opportunity to create specific demands for applicants. Though they all are bounded with Coalition rules, several particularities are okay. Such things allow schools keeping their personality even being in such Coalition. To find out exact requirements to the essay you should ask your desired university for help.
The role of CAAS locker (storage)
The CAAS platform has evaluated so much. Nowadays, it even has a kind of storage for students. They can fill it with different projects, academic papers, and other documents for themselves or school officers. Besides direct studying materials, students are allowed to store there anything they need. It could be video, pictures, photos, notes, etc.
Such storage is unbelievably useful for students with limited access to school or its tools according to the health condition. Students since 9th grade get access to such service. Not only current students can get access to this storage, but also transferred applicants. So equal rights are guaranteed.
It is important that schools cannot observe the student’s portfolio in their personal online storage before allowance. If he shares access to his files, then the coalition application essays, projects, and other files will be available online for schools.
The idea of this storage is much bigger than saving content. This is a kind of personal space for a student. It also plays the role of studying the story, so they can find anything they need during a lifetime.
Note, that this storage is absolutely safe. It is available only for exact student. According to his wish, he can also share access to personal files with other people.
Besides, this service allows the student to create his own portfolio online. Who knows maybe he can use it in the future as a part of his admission essay or job application.
What is the coalition application prompt
Different universities have different rules for students accepting. But in general, requirements are common for all applicants. According to Coalition app, it means the main essay as well plus another essay prompts may be added. The members of this platform take this decision by themselves.
Let’s see several coalition application prompts for the current year.
- The story of my life (tell your real experience about anything that could demonstrate your personality);
- My achievements (describe your real contribution in any field or sphere that differ you from other applicants);
- The challenge of my life (describe the positive or negative situation in your life that had changed you for forever);
- My advice for me at 10 years old (of for my little brother, sister, friend, etc.);
- Your topic (you can choose traditional samples or use your creativity).
So it is better to start writing your additional essay for your application documents as soon as possible.
Nowadays, there is no requirement in the Coalition application essay word limit. Our company usually recommends students to make 500-550 words in total. Such length is enough to share your thoughts and not to overload readers with odd details.
Coalition application vs common application
So now we understand, that Common application and Coalition application are different papers. But let’s find out more particularities of using them in different situations. Our company creates academic papers for students for years and knows not only differences among them, but special tips in writing. So we are happy to share our experience with Coalition applications for new and inexperienced authors.
Thought Coalition application is popular, but many colleges still using Common application. Such a situation doesn’t cause real problems, but future applicants may have doubts. They usually worry about choosing the right type of application essay not to miss a chance to enter a desirable school. First of all, don’t be confused. Colleges don’t prefer one platform over another at all. Just think about the situation with the ACT and SAT. Both of them are actual and regularly used. So choosing one of these types Coalition or Common application can never cause any special disadvantage or advantage.
If the student is not sure about his future and writing applications, then we recommend him to prefer Common way. It is more traditional, has well-known elements, and so on. This is the only expert recommendation in this question.
Also, our professional authors recommend students to be always in touch with all updates in Coalition application rules. You can follow the official website for newest information or contact our specialist for getting quick help.
How to write coalition application essay
The Director of Enrollment Management, Brent Benner, shared a kind of instruction for students. He said people ask him all the time about the meaning and particularity of such essay, so he decided to make his article and publish it on the official website of Coalition platform. Our company uses this guide to prepare the best coalition application essays for our customers.
Step #1. Present yourself
This is the main goal of your essay. It must demonstrate who you are, what is your personality, how do you differ from other applicants, etc. Be sure there would be a lot of candidates for the vacant place in your school. All of them believe that they are cool, interesting, and smart enough to enter that college.
One of the most spread mistakes is the wrong subject. Students keep writing about their brother’s Olympic medal and grandmother skills in sewing. Such an approach makes committee accepting your brother or grandmother, but not you. So focus on your achievements and keep telling your personal story. Start with your name and continue with everything you like.
Step #2. Write the main part
You can explain every single year of your life and still sound boring. You can share your story and make the imagination of the average person. Such a situation happens if the applicant writes his essay as a traditional resume. It includes your previous education, skills, and a short biography. But honestly, it does not share any meaningful part of your life.
Try to be honest and write your real story. You need to put yourself in the other person’s position. Only in such a situation, you can share the most valuable facts and stories.
The easiest way to write your application essay is to share your positive or negative experience. And if you want to impress your committee in addition, then add your mistakes in life. But besides the fact of mistake, you must describe the consequences of such situations. Share the benefits from such a negative situation and you will be a really strong personality with the desire to study in exact college.
#3. Analyze the paper
Once you have finished your draft, you need to get constructive criticism. Ask your friends, relatives, and teachers to read your paper and make their notes. Usually, other people can find mistakes and misprints you have missed in your Coalition admission essay.
After using such critical notes, you also should proofread your essay and polish it like perfection. This is the best how-to to make it. There is only one better option – to hire a professional author.
Also, you can use this checklist of recommendations:
- share your real experience, not the fake one;
- explain only one situation, so you can focus on it;
- If you share your negative experience, don’t forget to add its positive consequences;
- share only meaningful experience, which you really value;
- try to avoid clichés and too obvious stories;
- even if your experience didn’t change you, in any case, it should mean a lot;
- try to divide past and now, so you can keep your story actual;
- explain only those situations, which belong to you;
- be yourself and don’t try to be better, remember that your personality is unique.
So let’s make a summary. The Coalition app is a special system to enter the college, which allows you to apply for several education establishments at once. This system means the applicant must prepare one personal essay according to special requirements and sometimes additional paper, for instance ‘Why I want to enter this college?’. But the greatest thing is you need only one paper to write. Just prepare an awesome essay and use it as a part of admission in any school.
It is very important that new application means the new option for students, but do not replace a traditional one. According to general intentions, the Coalition community makes various ways wide open for all students, including people with reduced capabilities. So nowadays there are different options for schools to accept applicants and for students to continue their education.