Research Summary: Definition, Appliance, Importance

A research summary is professional paperwork aimed to represent research to a potential audience, providing a brief overview of the entire study. A research summary of a good quality identifies the information and enunciates it compactly. With an in-depth knowledge of the topic, an author demonstrates a comprehensive review of the content of the research summary.
A research summary is a frequent task for students of any studying establishment regardless of specialization, either for exact sciences or humanitarian. It teaches students to interpret scientific literature, academic writings, and other sources. These skills train the new ideas generating, developing theories, and evidence-based on the knowledge received from the scientific literature.
Also, a research summary is a part of the IRB (Institutional review board) application. This type of committee reviews the methods used in biomedical and behavioral research to convince that these are ethical to protect the rights and welfare of humans.
Research summaries are appropriate to introduce the achievements of an organizational partner, financial backer, or another group that participated in the study.
A research summary of good quality is remarkable paperwork. It focuses on identifying various problems or imperfections within a particular study and offers solutions. It includes investigations and experiments about a specific field of science and the findings. Direct analysis and report of outstripped results during the study are the center of research summary attention.
The Writing Process: Structure
The methodology of writing a research summary is unique and should match the following template:
- Title. This line announces the topic or area of study, formulating the key findings.
- Abstract. A succinct description of the study with the tenth up to 500 words. It should be much shorter than a description of an article.
- Introduction. The essential part of a research summary. Here, a writer announces the topic to the readers, represents the state of the investigation, provides the general meaning of the content and definitions. In the introductory part, an author should enumerate the list of questions and hypotheses. Also, an author may expose the importance and timeliness of the research.
- Methodology. In this part, an author should specify the experimental methods or data analysis used in the research summary. These can be:
- various types of interviews, including group ones;
- focus groups;
- experiments and tests;
- surveys;
- examination study;
- statistical analysis;
- documents;
- reports;
- case studies.
Remaining specific and mentioning the exact type of methodology is crucial for this part.
- Results. It contains detailed evidence from all methodologies and includes the data analysis interpretation and methodologies outcome. Usually, it is the weightiest part of the summary. Be selective when choosing the content for it, mentioning only significant facts and omitting the minor ones.
- Discussion. Here, a writer must expose the interconnection of the results within the current knowledge that experts possess at the moment. Theoretical models, practical implementation reviews, the appliance of the achieved results in the future are highly welcome and recommended.
- Conclusion. This part should represent a smooth flow from the discussion part. However, according to some requirements, it can stand alone. Here, an author should approve the hypothesis stated at the beginning of a research summary and its urgency, using the convincing facts mentioned in the paperwork.
- Reference list. A writer should enumerate the citations and the sources used for the particular paperwork creation to confirm the credibility of the provided hypothesis.
Regardless of the topic, a research summary should fit this template. Firstly, an author should write a draft to manage the correct order of facts and filter the most significant ones.
The writing process: basic steps
An organized work will help to write a research summary correctly within the short term. Follow these steps to boost your productivity and providing the content of decent quality:
- Look through the article for a general image of the content meaning and understanding their interconnection. Review evidence to measure the level of importance and generate a pyramid. A perfect understanding of the task given by your research advisor is essential. Otherwise, clarify the aim of the research and the needed approach. Valuing the complexity of the task will hint, can you handle it on your own or require the assistance of professional writers.
- Comprehend the topic and the source. Writing will flow smoothly when an author is an expert in the theme or familiar with it. Understanding the content without any piece of knowledge is unattainable. All definitions, concepts, and models must be coherent. Make sure you realize the connectivity between the analysis question, hypothesis, analysis implication, and evidence that support the assumption. An author can write level-headed research only when the content is apprehensive entirely.
- Highlight the significant parts. Working with the source, note the core sentences in each chapter or word in the paragraph. Exclude any writing process at the stage. Reading helps to measure the importance of the marked compounds, omitting the inessential facts. Do not color the entire article, being selective when choosing the fundamental knowledge.
- Write a draft. Compound the key evidence altogether, using the notes made during the previous stage of research writing.
- Use external sources. They will inform you about the opposite side of the question if your research summary task requires it. Providing pros and cons helps to deliver a complete picture of the situation.
Understanding the task and having enough knowledge on the subject and its particular question are the fundamental requirements for composing a research summary draft.
The writing process: handy tips
Here is the list of meaningful details which an author should take into account when writing a research summary:
- Assure yourself that you have a wide-ranging image or area of focus. Remember that the facts are the steps to the door upstairs. Each of them is vital, yet you should emphasize their outcome. An entire article should expose constant moving to the goal and match the hypothesis stated at the beginning. Do not discharge any sentence, using each fact in the right direction. This tactic should remain in the overall research summary, not a particular chapter. Strict focus on the goal is what matters only.
- Pay close attention to a draft. Neglecting this step may lead to an inconsequential mess of facts. Devote enough time to it to structure your paperwork thoroughly.
- Write a well-targeted conclusion. This part shows the research was worthy of time and attention. Make sure that it is precise, not vague. To measure the quality of your conclusion part, you can use a few techniques, e.g., validating or invalidating a hypothesis, retrace the most meaningful evidence, and determine the potential appreciativeness. To perform a carefully worded conclusion, collect the compounds separately while writing the body parts.
- Write the introductory part last. Since you may edit the data in the body part, it will lead to numerous corrections in the introduction subsequently. The writing will be easier and more spacious when you explored the topic entirely.
- Use graphical materials. Diagrams, charts, tables, and other representative sources are welcome and appreciated. These provide a visualized concept that stimulates a better perception of the analytic data.
- Remember grammar, punctuation, and stylistic rules. A research summary can not pretend to be professional if it includes a bunch of mistakes. Follow the word amount given to you along with the task theme. When writing, use impersonal language. Ask your colleagues for an opinion about your work. Finish the writing process with text proofreading.
Providing content in summary research does not suppose any comments or recommendations of an author. Students usually represent research summaries on debates, discussions, or dialogues, operating the facts and emphasizing the necessity of the findings. However, comments may take place in implicit or explicit form, exposing widespread opinion about them. However, they do not carry any influential meaning.
Common mistakes in research summaries
Even being familiar with the basic rules of research summary writing, students continue making mistakes. Look through the list of the most typical ones to avoid them in your paperwork:
- Words amount exceeding. The rule states that a summary length should be ten percent of the original document and not longer. Ten pages are the maximum number of pages for a research summary. It keeps a summary short yet provides enough space for a complete synopsis.
- Copy Pasting or cutting pasting. All used facts should be analyzed, not just inserted from elsewhere. «Borrowing» someone else’s thought is allowed in the quality of a quote formatted according to the standards. Another usage is pure plagiarism. Formulate your thoughts from scratch, paraphrase the information from the source, excluding excessive citing. Quotes should be used for a better understanding of the sense, not fulfilling the number of words.
- Disregarding your audience. Evaluating the listeners or readers is a rare requirement for studying establishments, yet frequent when an author writes a research summary for a specific group, e.g., private industry, public authorities, or benefactors. In this case, give close attention to the collusion part. It must fit the necessities and interests of the group.
- A messy text. When writing a research summary, be precise and concrete, considering that your audience hears about your facts for the first time. Following a sequential order is vital through the paperwork.
- Weak and undetermined tone. Providing a hypothesis, an author has no chance for qualms. The task is to convince the listeners of your rightness and correctness of your facts, ensure a sense of urgency. Choose powerful and conning words that you want to convey to the listeners. Without it, even a summary full of details will doom to failure. Target the audience of your application. An ideal result is when they do not guess what you intend to say by your paperwork.
- Extensive usage of quotes. Rehashing means that you have considered what you have told. Better use paraphrasing instead of quotes, leaving the last ones for exceptional cases to strengthen your idea by a credible source.
- Incorrect writing style. Only scientifically accurate language is appropriate for a research summary.
Considering the most spread mistakes will help you to polish your thoughts and perform brilliant work.
Here is a shortened example of a research summary on the topic «Global social media research in 2021.»
Title: Pandemic marketing review.
Abstract: a special report, provided by the «InternetUser» official publication, dated August 2020, examines the dynamics in social media usage since the start of the Coronavirus lockdown period, highlighting the increase of online performance and digital enterprise.
Introduction: twice a year, the «InternetUser» provides new data with a great insight into the cyber world. In this research summary, there is a review of overall social media popularity compared to Internet availability worldwide. The question is to see how vital and urgent the Internet is to the inhabitants of the world. This information is valuable for presentation slides. Also, the current analysis is the point of interest for individuals and organizations who want to monitor the difference in social media usage in different countries during the pandemic.
Methodology: Static analysis and analytical methods are the primary evaluation methods of the current evaluation.
Results: these show that the most active Internet users are Northern and Western Europe, North and Southern America. Meanwhile, about 8 percent of the population settled in Middle Africa do not use the Internet.
Discussion: the result shows the importance and wide spreading of the Internet all over the world. Also, it draws the perspectives for its future expansion to the African countries.
Conclusion: the Internet has become an indispensable part of life in countries with advanced economies.
Using this template with the core content, you can create a research summary according to your task specifically.
Professional Assistance
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