What Are The Best Topics For Nursing Research?

What Are The Best Topics For Nursing Research?

No matter when students are supposed to present their thesis or work on their research essay, they must select a research-worthy, interesting, and unique topic, making their research remarkable and feature enough future scope.

When you should find an original topic with no working on something which has already been done, the vast majority of healthcare and nursing students struggle. The proper research topic must be relevant to current times, unique, and feature future scope too. Here, you will find each of these features in the topics that are mentioned below:

Primary Healthcare Nursing Research Paper Topics

Primary healthcare refers to basic or important healthcare service which is based on scientifically and socially acceptable sound technology and methods. As long as it includes mental, emotional, social, and physical well-being, there are many interesting topics to explore for nursing scholars:

  • Why should the primary healthcare system be strengthened?
  • Home health nursing introduction in our community.
  • The clinical pathways of primary healthcare delivery system.
  • How to expand the community health nurse’s role?
  • Health care system millennial models.
  •  How to strengthen disease surveillance programs?
  • Debilitated patients home health care.
  •  The primary health care and evidence-based practice acceptance.
  • How to strengthen home healthcare post-hospitalization and also continuity of care in our community?
  • Occupational therapy and physical rehabilitation in our community health care setting up.

Proper Research Essay Topics in the Healthcare Management

Healthcare management might be the administration, management, public health systems oversight, hospitals, healthcare systems, and other medical facilities. As long as it comprises the total management of overall hospitals’ work, it offers a lot of the research work. For example, check out the following topics:

  • The responsibility for the failure in the surgeries.
  • Medical home service.
  • Healthcare contract limitations.
  • Analysis of nursing channels that nurses might utilize to become physicians.
  • Nursing profession gender bias.
  • Beginning private nurse practice.
  • Pros and cons of medicare.
  • The proper ways to boost staff retention in the healthcare setting.
  • Uniform nursing code rules.
  • Nurses’ role in enhancing the hospital quality improvement.
  • Non-English Patients and legal risks.
  • Medical marijuana: Management rules, Benefits, and Risk.
  • Men in healthcare shortage.
  • Health tracking applications for care post-discharge continuity to home.
  • Telehealth: the virtual care impact to rural and urban areas.
  • Prevention of tertiary hospital congestion & strategic referral system.
  • Referral system clinical pathways.
  • Drive-through pharmacy.
  • How to strengthen the social workers’ roles and social works in the specific health care team?
  • Health care delivery system and case management approach.
  • Application and defining of the expected length of stay in the patient management.
  • Case managers impact the patient outcomes and expected length of stay.
  • Mobilization and redefining the hospital cultures on the bed rest.
  • How to redefine hospital cultures on food and diet services?
  • How to redefine hospital cultures on the risk roles assumption?
  • Expected length of stay implementation to prevent hospital congestion.
  • Case manager roles in the clinical pathways.
  • The role of the case manager.
  • A new form of nurse entrepreneurship and nurse navigator.
  • The case management clinical pathways for care continuity after discharge, the patient flow, and smooth admission.
  • Boost in the nursing specialization.
  • Healthcare providers and being Internet savvy.

Pain Management Nursing Research Topics

In nursing, pain management incorporates the study of all interventions that nurses might make during hospital hours. Pain is very complex, including many treatment options like mind-body techniques, medicines, and therapies. Here are the main nursing research paper topics:

  • What are the best practices in pain management in kids that suffer from life-limiting illnesses?
  • Protocol of headache treatment.
  • A closer look at pain management of hemophilia patient.
  • Myofascial Pain Rehabilitation.
  • Delivery and labor: best pain management practices.
  • Utilizing opioids to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Fetal pain perception: medical experts analysis.
  •  Therapeutic Injections: Pros and cons.
  • Is cognitive hypnotherapy application effective in pain management?
  • Benson’s relaxation therapy effectiveness evaluation in the health care setting.
  • The phenomenon of phantom pains.
  • Cancer patients and pain management: the best practices according to the professional nurses.
  • Chronic constipation & spinal cord nerve injury.
  • Mobile pain unit.

Pediatric Nursing Research Essay Topics

In pediatric nursing, the staff must be responsible for the neonates and children’s medical care as well as for adolescents – mostly in the in-patient and day-clinic setting. Despite the fact the kid health nursing main role is medicines and administering procedures to all kids as per the prescribed nursing care plans, the scholars might compose essays on these topics:

  • ADHD treatment & causes.
  • Speech disorders therapy.
  • Prevalence of misdiagnosis in pediatric ward or child health.
  • Autism & Vaccination.
  • The range of kid health nursing services in the United Kingdom review.
  • Preschool children & antibiotic resistance.
  • Emotional and mental health of kids under 10.
  • Children eating disorders.
  • Teenagers and social media impact.
  • Infants and seizures causes.
  • Teething problems in kids under 10.
  • Infant care psychological aspects.
  • Social media platforms’ use in prevention and preparation of hospital phobia among the pediatric groups.
  • Pediatric care and family engagement by utilizing hospital data system.
  • Efficacy and safety of telehealth for pediatric patients.

What Are Current Problems in Nursing?

Nursing is such a high-pressure job. It requires perseverance, determination, and patience. Being a high-pressure job is rather challenging and leading to problems from time to time. For example, workplace violence, personal health, workplace hazards, long working hours, and staff shortages might be. You might address each of these problems in research papers:

  • Registered nurse workforce analysis and its relationship to the work environments.
  • The developing specific concept for nursing & transforming loss.
  • Nursing Practitioners.
  • Nursing Staff Shortages.
  • The challenge for nurses & meeting patient expectations.
  • Biggest problems that nurses face in their maintaining career alongside and the education.
  • Hazards and workplace violence that nurses encounter.
  •  The necessity of community nursing.
  • Diversity in healthcare.
  • Digital age & future of nursing.
  • What measure might a nurse take to help a person with an eating disorder?
  • Clinical nurse roles.
  • How might nurses assist in treating patients who are already aware that they do not have a survival rate?
  • Homeless people treatment & Ethics.
  • Nursing management of critical care.
  • The role of a nurse in assisting and helping patients that have chronic diseases.
  • Works of nursing theorists.
  • Intensive remote care unit.
  • What is the usual stress management practice for the nurses that work the night shifts?
  • Between professional and career service.
  • Training and preceptorship after online learning and distant education program.
  • Surveillance of centralized infectious disease.
  • Chronic diseases’ centralized reporting.
  • Patients are becoming more educated: pros and cons of the social media.
  • Misinformation and fake news on health related problems with the social media platforms’ rise.
  • Call centers and BPO for medical procedures admission and booking to decongest the emergency room.
  • BPO’s application in documentation’s quality assurance monitoring.
  • What are surgical nursing research paper topics ideas?
  • Nurses in the surgical units & moral distress.
  • Patient’s experience and satisfaction concerning care given by nurses in the surgical units.
  • Effects of the organization on patient’s satisfaction in the surgical units.
  • The medical-surgical nurses and the perceived leadership skills as responders in the patient deterioration events.
  • Nurses’ role in surgical wards.
  • Critical thinking about medical-surgical nursing in client care.
  • Pain management and assessment in surgical nursing.
  • Understanding technology in modern surgical nursing.
  • Integrated approach to understanding medical-surgical nursing.
  • Standardising components of surgical fast-track nursing care.
  • Mobilization team for the post-operative patients’ fast recovery.
  • Usage of telehealth for elective surgical admissions and pre-operative preparations to diminish hospital length of the stay among the surgical patients.
  • Community health care & Continuity of care post-surgery.

What Are the Essential Nursing Research Questions That Are Discussed in the Classes?

If you want to find more necessary topics for the nursing dissertations, check out this topics’ section:

Research Paper Topic Thoughts for the Midwifery Nursing

Being the licensed healthcare expert, nurse-midwife focuses on women’s reproductive health and childbirth. Apart from that, they are responsible for the post and prenatal care. Check out the research paper topics:

  • Nurses’ role in mastering patient safety during the childbirth: pieces of evidence from the obstetric trauma.
  • Evaluate the delayed umbilical cord clamping impact after childbirth.
  • Neonatal & Maternal practices in rural areas.
  • Emerging trends in midwifery and obstetrical nursing.
  • The first antenatal appointment analysis.
  • Limiting the interventions during low-risk labour.
  • Postnatal period & Mental illness.
  • Prenatal care role in pregnant women.
  • Shift study length & Midwives.
  • Evaluating the impact of Hepatitis B and AIDS in pregnant women.
  • Natal safety & self-instruction kits.
  • Studying the advanced trends in gynecology and obstetrics.
  • Laboring in water pros and cons.
  • Midwifery Continued Care.
  • Challenges of Gestational Weight Gain.
  • The role of Vitamin D is a supplement during pregnancy.
  • Studying integration of clinical reasoning into midwifery practice.
  • Safety rules for obese pregnant women.
  • The decade after CEmONC and BEmONC.

Health Promotion Research Paper Topics

Health promotion mainly comes from behavioral, social science that draws from the physical, medical, psychological, biological, and environmental sciences to prevent diseases and promote health. Here the research paper topics about it:

  • Digital age healthcare dangers.
  • Shortages and benefits of telemedicine.
  • Preventing and healthy living medicine for senior people.
  • School nurses’ role.
  • Smoking cessation obstacles.
  • Sports & Healthy eating.
  • Youth inactivity causes.
  • Parents’ roles for the healthy lifestyle of kids.
  • Mental stability and obesity.
  • Educational strategies and social media.
  • Pharmacist responsibility.
  • The new medical insurance form or Health Bank.
  • Private health insurance company collaboration with private and public hospitals.

Adult Research Paper Topics for Nursing Students

Being a nursing scholar, you might also compose research essays on management, disease prevention, and adult healthcare. Check out the topics in the following list:

  • Urinary catheter insertion nurses’ experiences.
  • Innovations in clinical cardiology.
  • Process of CV imaging.
  • Case example of migraine.
  • Non-chemical practices with bipolar disorder.
  • Psychiatric care & Mental health in adults.
  • Nursing education program online.
  • Nursing self-care.
  • Long-term vented patients’ home health care.
  • Professor, educator, preceptorship, clinical instructor as specialized fields that require licensure.
  • Nursing education specialization program.

Geriatric Care Nursing Research Journal Topics

Nurses that work in Geriatric management and care are mostly responsible for planning and coordinating the care of the specific elderly people that deal with physical and mental disabilities. Here are some of the nursing research paper topics ideas:

  • Stroke and cerebrovascular disease among elderly people.
  • Elderly people and pain: management and assessment.
  • Elderly population joints disorders study.
  • Elderly people rapid nutritional assessment.
  • Bladder Cancer Therapy.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Critical Care Requirements.
  • Atrial Fibrillation Study.
  • Geriatrics Ethics.
  • Cardiovascular Risk Reduction.
  • Parkinson’s Disease’s Precautions.
  • Restless Legs Syndrome.
  • The holistic approach to Geriatric care clinical pathways.

The Recent Research Nursing Paper Topics

If you face the challenge of selecting the current research paper topic, we can help you. Many nurses, including freshers and experienced, encounter such a challenge at some point. However, you should not panic. Check out the list of such topics here.

Females’ Health Nursing Research Paper Topics

Most research paper topics related to females’ health are always relevant, trending, and feature future scope. Check out the following topics that are worth researching and exploring:

  • Culture effects on females’ health.
  • Addiction and substance abuse in women.
  • Infertility Ethical Rules.
  • Menopause Challenges.
  • Ovarian Disorder and Ovarian Cancer Analysis.
  • Pregnancy Prevention Measures.
  • Modern Neonatal Practices.
  • Cosmetic Dermatology.
  • Sepsis after labour.
  • Females’ Sleep Disorders.
  • Cystic Fibroids.
  • Females’ Sexual Health Disorders.
  • Reproductive Endocrinology.
  • Cervical Cancer and HPV.
  • Females’ Sleep disturbances.
  • Vaginal Atrophy Causes.

Mental Health Nursing Paper Topics

Research essays that focus on mental health are ones of the most referred to and read nowadays. Here are some of the topics:

  • Evaluating the concept of Physical and Integrated Mental Health Care.
  • Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing.
  • Main skills required for the nurses in the mental health field.
  • Assessing the nurses’ mental health.
  • Schizophrenia Diagnostics.
  • Depression Causes.
  • Bipolar Disorder.
  • Alcohol Addiction Disorders.
  • The impact of PTSD studying in the US Army Veterans.
  • Video Games Impact on Teenage Aggression.
  • Police Officers & Stress.
  • Forbidden Substances: Use and Prevention.
  • Psychiatric Patient Ethics.
  • Recovery Methods & Physical Traumas.
  • Bioterrorism Medicine.
  • Nursing Case Management Application in Psychiatry.

Topics for Nursing Leaders

If you would like to take the professional opinion before selecting a topic for the nursing dissertation, you might use this section. Here are the most interesting topics for nursing experts and leaders. Have a look at them:

  • Delivery and labor management practices.
  • Preterm Labor Dangers.
  • Saving child & mother challenges.
  • The ethical side of abortion care.
  • Antenatal Care Recommendations.
  • Adolescent Gynecology Education.
  • Newborn Resuscitation Rules.
  • Hypertensive Disorders Causes.
  • Checklist of Delivery Room Behavior.
  • Caesarean Section Preparation.
  • Why are nurses who play vital roles in healthcare invisible in our mass media?
  • Boosting nursing research capacity: The nurse scientists’ roles.
  • Macroeconomics and microeconomics for hospital funds sources.
  • Diverting funds and patients to economic services.
  • Evidence versus culture-based practice.
  • Health education dissemination & Social media influencer.
  • Evidence-based practice acceptance in the hospital.
  • Socio-cultural nursing impact on evidence-based practice.
  • Implementation hindrances of evidence-based practice.
  • Brain-drain & nursing faculty shortage.
  • Online continuing professional development & education.

Academic Writing Service: How to Cooperate Directly With the Experts?

Now you have a list of the best nursing research topics. Note that composing a paper or a thesis might be too time-consuming. Therefore, to save your precious time, you would better use academic research writing help.

With our service, you might keep in touch with the professional writer who has already passed their exams and successfully written their academic papers. Your information will remain safe and secure, and no one will get to know that you have utilized our service. Moreover, we offer absolutely affordable prices for any type of budget. Also, you will get your money back in case you are not pleased with the quality of your essay. What is more, you might ask us for revisions whatever number of times you need.

The Final Thoughts

Nursing research topics for a thesis or dissertation must not be complicated to find through the topic ideas that are mentioned above. Make sure you give a twist and generate your own unique topic.

When creating the nursing research essay topic, you might struggle with overwhelming data or many choices. Nevertheless, when you begin to consider the research topic’s scope and limitations and outline the topic into the question, you would be able to receive a proper understanding of your topic you might manage.

Hopefully, the mentioned nursing research topics would assist you in finding that original idea or thesis statement you have been looking for. If you still doubt whether you can create a genuine paper, you would better use our service to assist you.

Do not hesitate to reach us now and get superb assistance! Our writers are native English speakers, so the quality of your final nursing research paper would be incredible. If you are looking for a real masterpiece, you would better cooperate with us.

Go ahead and contact our customer support representative ASAP for prompt assistance. You will never regret using our academic writing service, friend! So do not lose your time and contact us at the very moment to receive the best service!


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