Problems And Solutions Examples: Unique Ideas For Everyone

Do you want to pass the international TOEFL, IELTS, or any other exam and write a problems and solutions essay? Or maybe you want to go to college and need to write a good paper? Regardless of the purpose, you need to create unique problems and solutions essay, you should carefully understand this issue and choose an interesting topic.
General Information
An essay is a short text in which the author expresses his own opinion on a particular issue. Writing a quality essay requires a high level of language proficiency, a rich vocabulary, and the ability to clearly and correctly express your own opinion. One of the features of English essays is the formal writing style. It is not recommended to use abbreviations and colloquial words in the text. Any essay has a clear structure.
In the problems and solutions essay, you have some kind of global problem, and your task is to offer the most possible and relevant solutions. The writing plan is well established. In the introduction, the author describes the problem and the reasons for it. The main part provides options for solving the problem and the possible consequences of each of them. In conclusion, the results and the final decision are summed up, as well as recommendations are represented.
Problems and Solutions Essay Types
The main purpose of writing a problems and solutions essay is to identify the problem, determine the causes, and find solutions. Thus, this type of paper can be roughly divided into three types. The first type is based on identifying a research problem, substantiating its relevance, and choosing possible solutions. The second type’s main task is to search for the causes of a particular problem and identify relationships. The third type is the solutions to the problem, their argumentation, and justification. More details about the problems and solutions essay will be written below.
Problems and Solutions Examples: 100 Interesting Topics for Students
Below are the problems and solutions essay topics that are most relevant in 2021. Pay special attention to them and choose the one that attracts you the most.
Problems and Solutions Examples on Social Media
Social networks are rapidly gaining popularity around the world. They are a unique source of data about the personal lives and interests of real people. This opens up unprecedented opportunities for research and business, as well as the creation of support services and applications for social network users.
Suppose you are an active user of social networks or are just trying to study the specifics of their work. In that case, you will surely be interested in writing a problems and solutions essay on one of the following topics:
- Social media in social, political and cultural processes;
- The problem of the quality of the information in social media;
- Advertising and promotion on social platforms;
- The problem of the influence of social networks on modern youth;
- Dangers of social networks;
- Improving the effectiveness of social media monitoring as a means of obtaining data on image, reputation, website performance, or online campaigns;
- Possibilities of programming languages and big data technologies in monitoring social media;
- Tools to increase user activity in social networks;
- Creating a strong business brand on social networks;
- The influence of social networks on the psychological state of adolescents.
Original Problems and Solutions Examples on Environmental Pollution
The protection of the environment, the rational use of natural resources – are some of the main tasks facing humanity. Students interested in the problem of environmental pollution are advised to pay attention to the following topical topics for writing an academic paper:
- Environmental pollution during fuel extraction and use;
- Pollution of the biosphere by enterprises of the metallurgical complex;
- Pollution of the environment by enterprises of the machine-building complex;
- Environmental pollution in the chemical industry;
- Environmental pollution during mining and processing of mineral raw materials;
- Environmental pollution in the production of consumer goods and housing-communal services;
- The problem of organizing control over the state of the environment;
- Biosphere today: the scale of anthropogenic impact;
- Subsoil protection and rational use of land;
- The problem of genetically modified products in society.
Interesting Problems and Solutions Examples on Substance Use and Abuse
A psychoactive substance is any chemical compound of natural or artificial origin that affects the central nervous system’s functioning, leading to a change in mental state. Psychoactive substances include drugs, some medicines, toxic agents (glue, gasoline), alcohol, and tobacco. If you would like to contribute in some way to solving the problem of substance use and abuse, you should choose one of the following topics for your essay:
- Prevention of dependence on psychoactive substances;
- Prevention of the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances in an educational organization;
- The problem of legislative restrictions on the turnover of potentially hazardous and toxic substances, prohibiting their sale to minors;
- Information and educational activities on the prevention of addiction to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in a modern school;
- Family prevention of psychoactive substance use;
- Increasing the competence of specialists responsible for preventive activities and organization of work to prevent the use of psychoactive substances in educational institutions;
- Activity alternative to drug use;
- The consequences of taking drugs for the human body;
- Development of recommendations for the prevention and solution of problems associated with the use of psychoactive substances;
- The problem of addiction to substances.
Problems and Solutions Essay Themes on Endangered Species
The lifespan of species is not infinite. Over millions of years, species have either disappeared under the influence of changing environmental conditions or evolved into some other forms. Scientists believe that during the existence of life on Earth, under the influence of natural conditions, at least one species became extinct each year. This situation has changed dramatically in our time when humanity is destroying the biosphere on an unprecedented scale and pushing countless species to the brink of extinction. It occurs when changes in the environment or impact on living organisms outweigh their ability to adapt to these changes and influences, or there are no places where they can retreat.
Thus, the problem of endangered species is very relevant today. If it is worrying you, choose one of the following topics and create a good paper:
- Legal protection of rare and endangered species of animals;
- The main historical stages of interaction between society and nature. The genesis of environmental issues;
- Directions of changes in the biosphere in the process of a scientific and technological revolution;
- Human influence on the extinction of a large number of species;
- Payment for negative impact on the environment;
- Protection of rare and endangered species in protected areas;
- Factors threatening the biodiversity of protected areas;
- Biodiversity and its conservation;
- Cooperation of states in the field of animal welfare and protection against cruelty;
- Expansion of methodological approaches to the reintroduction of plant species.
Problems and Solutions Examples on Obesity
Today, obesity is considered the most significant medical problem since it is a common disease among adults and children. Pay attention to the ideas of the problems and solutions essay, which are relevant in 2021:
- The relationship between total mortality and body mass index;
- The problem of overweight and obesity in children;
- Factors contributing to the development of obesity;
- Frequent complications of obesity;
- Diagnostics, treatment, prevention of obesity and associated diseases;
- The effectiveness of cosmetic methods for correcting adipose tissue mass;
- Application of virtual reality systems in obesity therapy;
- Obesity surgery;
- Obesity as a risk factor for the development and progression of osteoarthritis;
- Obesity in old age.
Exciting Problems and Solutions Examples on Mental Health
Health expresses a state of complete mental, physical, and social well-being. Violations of human existence in the space of any of these components lead to the loss of health of the body, soul, spirit.
The problem of human mental health is relevant today. Therefore, we have selected topics in this area that may be of interest to you:
- Modern technologies for the formation and development of a healthy lifestyle of the individual;
- Use of health-saving technologies in the activities of workers in the service sector;
- Psychological foundations of adultery;
- The influence of bad habits on the socio-psychological aspects of personality health in adolescence;
- The impact of stress on human psychological health;
- Correction of defects in the socialization of schoolchildren;
- Self-disclosure and personal mental health;
- Formation of psychological health of the student’s personality;
- Psychological support of distance learning for children with disabilities who need home education;
- The influence of telecommunications on the psychological health of children.
Essay Topics on Criminal Justice System
The criminal justice system operates on the basis of laws that establish what actions are considered a crime, what punishments should be imposed in certain cases, according to what rules the judicial and investigative bodies work, how the punishments imposed by the court are executed, etc.
Here is a list of interesting essay topics on the criminal justice system:
- Correlation of criminal procedural, operational-search, and administrative activities;
- Criminal procedural guarantees, their essence, and content;
- Discussion questions of the definition of the concept of the subject and content of criminal procedural science;
- Administration of justice only by the court;
- Development of the democratic foundations of the criminal procedure in the criminal procedure legislation;
- Discussion about the procedural functions of the investigator. Problems of improving the procedural independence of the investigator;
- Expansion of the procedural powers of the head of the investigative body;
- The ratio of investigative actions and other procedural methods of collecting evidence;
- Problematic issues of using special knowledge in criminal proceedings;
- Problems of collecting, storing material evidence, and resolving the issue of their fate when resolving a criminal case.
Problems and Solutions Examples on Higher Education
Higher education includes a set of systematized knowledge and practical skills that allow solving theoretical and practical problems in a professional profile. Education as a cultural phenomenon has an impact not only on society as a whole but also on each individual separately. Therefore, first of all, education must be considered a socio-cultural phenomenon, which is a system of training, upbringing, and personal development in the interests of both the state and society and the man himself.
We want to provide you with several problems and solutions topics on higher education that are always relevant:
- Education as one of the main state priorities in the modern world;
- Development of family education in the context of the transformation of family institutions and education;
- Deviation and development in the educational process: determining the priorities of interaction between the subjects of the educational process;
- Impact of higher education on social mobility;
- Interfaith and interethnic interaction in education;
- Self-education and its role in the educational process;
- Methods for increasing student labor efficiency during training sessions;
- The role of the library in the organization of the educational process;
- Consequences of violating curriculum requirements;
- The ability to obtain and publish a scientific result when performing control, coursework, and final qualifying work.
Relevant Essay Topics on Homelessness
In all historical periods of statehood development, the problem of homelessness of its citizens remains unresolved to one degree or another. Hence, it is in demand in the government and scientific circles.
Essay topics on homelessness:
- Social problems of modern society;
- Activities of state social institutions to address the problem of homelessness;
- Activities of charitable organizations for social support of the homeless;
- Technologies of social work with persons without a fixed abode;
- Technologies for the prevention of professional burnout for professionals working with the homeless;
- Socio-psychological consequences of child homelessness;
- Social work with minors at risk of homelessness;
- The problem of the formation of socially acceptable behavior in children at risk at different age stages;
- The technology of organizing training for inmates of a social shelter;
- Diagnostic work with children in difficult life situations.
Interesting Problems and Solutions Essay Themes on Globalization
Globalization is the most discussed and, at the same time, the least understood trend in the modern world. There are many concepts and approaches to defining what is meant by globalization, what aspects and areas it covers, and if it is really a universal and comprehensive trend of the world political process.
We have selected some fascinating topics on globalization:
- The impact of globalization on the national economy: pros and cons;
- The impact of globalization on the health sector;
- Mutual influence of domestic and international law in the context of globalization;
- The economic future of globalization;
- State social policy in the context of globalization;
- Global problems of the economy;
- The main contradictions of the processes of globalization;
- Negative consequences of modern neoliberal globalization;
- Factors contributing to the strengthening and modification of the functions of the state;
- The crisis of traditional models of social policy in the context of globalization.
Specificity of Step-by-Step Problems and Solutions Essay Creation
Essay writing pursues a number of important educational and methodological goals: a deliberate choice of topic, bibliographic search, selection and analysis of facts, provisions and conclusions contained in scientific literature, their grouping, logical presentation in accordance with the plan and the author’s own assessment, design of the entire text. Working on the problems and solutions essay, a student gets the opportunity to analyze scientific literature, master the methodology of scientific research, and the basics of preparing a written work.
Skeleton of the Problems and Solutions Essay
The following skeleton is the basis for writing an essay:
- Description of the problem that needs to be addressed;
- Representation of a thesis that identifies the main problem and offers its solution;
- Identifying several appropriate solutions to a problem situation;
- Providing a problem solution argument. This is evidence in the form of examples, details, facts, and reasons for a particular decision;
- Analytical tone.
Altering Problems and Solutions Essay Themes for Various Purposes
Students choose the topic of the essay under the guidance and participation of a teacher. The choice of the topic should be deliberate, i.e., the field of study should meet the author’s personal cognitive interests. The topic should be not only relevant in its meaning but also original, interesting in content. It should not be too general, global since the essay’s relatively small volume will not allow it to be revealed. At the stage of choosing the work topic, it can be altered to achieve compliance with the above requirements.
Problems and Solutions Essay Template
The structure of an essay usually includes three parts:
- Introduction.
- The main part (problem and solution).
- Conclusion.
Content in Each Section
Read below how to write a problem and solution essay step-by-step.
The introduction substantiates the topic’s choice, relevance, and significance for science and practice; the purpose, tasks of the work, its scientific novelty, and practical significance are indicated; the place of this problem in the main topic is shown.
Main Part
The main part should be presented in accordance with the plan, clearly and consistently, preferably in your own words. The main part reveals the problem, reveals the main content of the topic, analyzes the sources of information, provides the factual and statistical materials, and represents solutions.
Here is the example of a problem and its solution:
- Problem. There is a lot of transport in a big city, and therefore the amount of harmful emissions is very high.
- Decision. Car sharing can be used. It is also recommended to equip cycle paths in the city so that people would like to change from car to electric scooter or bicycle.
Pay attention that the problem-solving proposal must be clear and well-reasoned.
This is a short summary of all that has been said, as well as an indication of unsolved problems and ways of further development of research in this area. The conclusion reflects the main results of the study.
Summarization of Data on Problems and Solutions Essay Writing
After writing, it is recommended to check the paper. The essay must meet the following requirements:
- informativeness;
- high semantic capacity;
- an accurate reflection of the content of the document, key factual information, and conclusions;
- conciseness, clarity, the persuasiveness of formulations, lack of secondary information;
- absence of duplication in the text of information contained in the bibliographic description of the refereed source.
Please pay attention that the work must be written in a competent literary language. Abbreviation of words in the text is not allowed. Exceptions are well-known abbreviations. And remember that we are always ready to help! Just contact us and get a professional expert!