Best Thesis Statement Examples and Writing Tips

When getting a certain writing assignment, every student wonders how to create an excellent thesis statement. And it is the right question while to create it, you should possess certain thinking and writing skills.
A good thesis statement can bring more value to your paper. We have gathered everything that concerns thesis writing, and provide some good examples for you to figure out how to write your thesis properly.
Remember that if you struggle with thesis writing, you can always apply for the help of the professional writers and get your perfect paper at a reasonable cost. It will guarantee that your thesis will be 100% unique and outstanding.
The definition of a thesis statement
Once you start working on your research or other paper, you will wonder what a thesis statement, actually, is, while without it, none of the academic papers can exist. This one small sentence tells the target audience what information you will deliver in your paper. And it should convince your audience that your story is important.
The thesis statement is aimed to provide the core information at the very beginning. For you, it means that your thoughts have to be expressed clearly and understandable for your reader, otherwise, he will not get the main idea of your paper.
And creating a good thesis statement is not an easy task because it requires certain skills, so you definitely should learn how to do it if you wish to succeed in your paper. Now you can imagine this is the most important part of any writing work and all the rest information in your paper will only support your thesis provided at the very beginning.
The components of the thesis statement
Each thesis statement should contain the following ideas and aspects:
- Let the reader know about the way of interpreting the importance of the subject to be discussed;
- Let the audience know what they should expect from your paper;
- Should reply to the question asked of you and interpret the subject or question;
- Should make a claim that other people may argue;
- Be the sentence in the first paragraph (usually the end of it) delivering your argument to the readers.
The structure of a thesis statement
As you understand, a thesis statement consists of only one or more sentences, so it doesn’t have a complicated structure like the whole paper, for example. You only should bear in mind that a thesis includes 1-3 sentences, but the shorter it is the better.
Such a statement should consist of an affirmation that is arguable and consists of the information that is valuable for your audience. You should suggest your audience to keep reading your paper at the end of your statement.
Writing a thesis statement step-by-step
The core thing you should remember is that your thesis statement should be clear and essential and that is not that easy. Below, you will find all the information about how to write a proper thesis statement step-by-step.
Before you even start thinking about your thesis, you should gather and evaluate your sources. Your position should not be against your personal judgments. But make sure not only to observe but to pose a “why” question in your statement and explain the relationship between different questions.
Write a “test” thesis
The sooner the better, you should write a working thesis. But for that purpose, you should make notes of every idea coming to your mind in order not to lose the most brilliant ones. You should make a list of different thesis statements for choosing the best out of them later.
The thesis should be written at the bottom of your introduction
Writing a statement at the bottom of your introduction will boost the chances for it to be noticed and remembered well by the reader. But it concerns only short papers containing less than fifteen pages.
Prepare the counterarguments
Writing counterarguments once you have finished your thesis is a must. Your thesis should be much stronger than any counterargument and give them no chance for existence. And if it still does, think of a different thesis. The counterarguments should be provided not in the introduction but at the end of the whole paper.
Some more writing tips
When writing your thesis, you should remember about the core characteristics of it. Sometimes, a specific question isn’t asked in the prompt. But your thesis should always reply to a question. If you want to succeed in creating a brilliant thesis statement, you should:
- Target a single idea;
- Write on a topic upon which professionals could dispute;
- Write a statement that asserts the conclusions of the author;
Brainstorming the topic is crucial. So, you should not only write but before you start, gather with your family members or mates and discuss the ideas that relate to the subject of the paper. They will help you create a list of the pros and cons of certain factors that relate to the topic.
The topic of your paper should not be too general but make sure to write about something clear, specific, and precise.
Thesis statement examples
And now, if you cannot understand how to get the attention of your reader from the very first line of your essay, you should see some good thesis statement examples. It may inspire you to think of a brilliant idea of your own and impress your audience.
But keep in mind that there some different types of thesis statements and each of them needs a particular approach. So, if you still have no idea how a good thesis statement should sound, here are the examples for you to read and take into account.
Contrast thesis statement
Both Christianity and Judaism are Abrahamic religious having the same cultural source, however, they are different in their faith practices, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and religious cannon recognitions.
Persuasive thesis statement
Basketball is the most exciting, vivid, and captivating sport.
Expository thesis statement
The USA spends more money on the military field than all the industrialized nations altogether.
Analytical thesis statement
The success of any basketball player depends not only on his skills but also on his ability to submit to training and coaching.
Cause and effect thesis statement
The government of our country must ensure free schooling for every child while competent and educated citizens are more likely to be employed and contribute to the wealth of the country.
Question thesis statements
We all know that for the introduction to be eye-catching and grab the attention of the reader quickly, any tactics would be good, including rhetorical and other questions. So, can a thesis statement be as a question? And you should know that it cannot and here is why.
A thesis statement is aimed to explain to the reader what information you intend to deliver in your work. The argument is introduced in the thesis, i.e. in your introduction, and it has to be proved with the help of credible and related evidence. As you can understand, a claim by no means can be a question.
What about the conclusion? In conclusion, you may restate your thesis but it should not raise any new questions but provide answers. So, what you should do is to pose the core question your paper will answer. And the reply to that question will not be longer than two or three sentences. This reply is a thesis. We will remind you that making it too long is not a good idea at all, keep it as brief as possible.
Keep in mind that you can write the body topic sentences in the form of questions though. Your body paragraphs should contain the answers, explanations, and, thus, may be performed as questions. But that question should give an idea about what the paper is going to tell about and state the aim of it.
If you build your topic sentence as a question, it should evoke your reader’s curiosity, thus, be a hooking sentence. Questions are usually the best hooks which make the reader read the entire paragraph from the beginning till the very end.
Make sure to connect your thesis and topic sentences while they both should lead your reader to the conclusion in a tandem.
The length of the thesis statement
Students often wonder how long they should make their thesis. As it was mentioned above, it should be as brief as possible. The length of your paper and the length of your paper are by no means related to each other. No matter what format you choose to stick to, the thesis can be only up to three sentences. But only one sentence would be perfect.
But remember that an abstract cannot be longer than 300 words, keeping it between 250-300 would be a perfect option. It means that it will take one-third of your A4 page and if you stick to that norm, you will definitely get a good grade.
If you enjoyed our article and the examples provided but still have doubts about whether you can manage and write the same thesis statement of your own, you can anytime apply to our professional writers who will do it for you with pleasure. And in that case, you have nothing to worry about while you get a totally unique, plagiarism- and error-free paper due to your deadline.