How to become a writer: easy and efficient guidance for aspiring writers

Do you want to become a writer? What are the steps that you do to approach your goal? Are you persistent with your desire? All these questions can help you understand whether you move in the right direction. If you doubt the answers, you probably have a vague understanding of the writer’s occupation. There is a common perception of a writer as a person who spends time chilling and reflecting on the sense of life. But that’s a wrong suggestion. To become a good writer and receive recognition, you have to work hard. Writing isn’t only about storytelling. It is all about constant practice and study. You don’t want to become a mediocre writer. You want to become a professional one. For this reason, you need to make every effort to develop your style and gain relevant experience. Inspiration will come with practice, and so will come success. So, if you want to know the steps to become the best writer, read on the article.
1. Take your time and read a lot
It may seem weird, but to become a good writer, you first need to become a good reader. You shouldn’t underestimate a good reading practice. The more you read, the more knowledge you get. But it should be unconscious reading at first. When you are a beginner, you need to soak every piece of information that you meet. It can be a scientific journal, an old-fashioned newspaper, or lyrics to your favorite song. You have to practice reading every time you see the text. Don’t sift through the material. Get yourself acquainted with new styles and genres. Get to know specific or redundant literature. The more information you absorb, the more diverse your writing style will be. If you want to become a good writer, you need to know how to satisfy every reader. For this reason, you have to gradually learn different literature and build up your taste in reading.
2. Master the language
In short, people usually miss this step, given that they know the language perfectly. But this is wrong. If you want to become a good writer, you need to develop every aspect relating to the writing activity. Developing your writing style and looking for inspiration is important. But to become a professional, you need to know the basics. Grammar rules should be your priority. In some cases, you can limit your text to some basic rules that every person knows. But the more difficult the texts are, the more responsibility you as a writer bears. Even if you are a native speaker and have practiced the language a lot, you still need some room to grow professionally. Look through the rules, read the books on grammar, watch videos, and always check the spelling. If you make mistakes, even a well-crafted idea or thought will always look poor.
3. Write it down
You will hardly become a writer without practice. The first step to tell a story is to write the first sentence. It may sound obvious. But remember that every story consists of sentences, and the first one is a good beginning to your story. You don’t necessarily need to write an epic poem. You will probably fail to perform a decent paper with a developed plot. Thus, freewriting is what you need in the beginning. Freewriting is a great chance to reveal your thoughts on paper. If you aren’t inspired to write a word, think of your day and what happened today. It can encourage you to start. Don’t mind the grammar or common sense in general. Now you need to launch the process and see how it goes. The elegant and exquisite style will come further. Now it’s time to practice easy, mundane things, like freewriting.
4. Create a plot
Freewriting is an interesting practice for beginners. But to become a good writer, you need to evolve and progress with your success. Thus, it is time to put some sense in your story. If you want to become a writer, you probably want to write a story or book. Obviously, it should have a plot. At first, you may find it challenging to create a plot for the story. But if you take one step at a time, it will take fewer efforts. First, you need to think of the character and the overall circumstances. Now, point by point, you have to map the story by sections. You should set small goals and try to achieve them gradually. Calculate the number of plot sections based on the key events. Then calculate the word count. It will help you make the process easier.
5. Get a passion for it
You are not a regular writer. You are a future novelist. Thus, you need the inspiration to generate ideas and enjoy the read. But to generate the content, you have to be inspired. This is a tough task. Your writing will most likely depend on your mood. So, if you aren’t passionate enough about the story, you will fail. To encourage yourself for writing, get prepared for it. Ponder over the things that make you happy or do what makes you smile. Spend time with your friends, go to the bookstore or visit your favorite coffee shop to get a drink. To deliver interesting content, you need inspiration from regular things. Watch a video or read your favorite author. When you have this thrill of anticipation, you can deliver an impressive story.
6. Do it!
Now, we move right to the most difficult step in your beginner career. Generally speaking, this is both an easy and challenging task to do. Different aspects can lead you astray. You can be unsure of your decent literary style. You can also doubt whether you possess enough knowledge to perform a good story. You can also think whether the skills you have can satisfy the reader in the end. But most of the time, fear is what stops aspiring writers from continuing. Storytelling is always a great risk. You write for the people. They are different personalities with diverse thinking. You never know how the audience can react to your writing. Getting an enthusiastic response is pleasant. But are you ready to listen to negative feedback or criticism? If you overcome prejudice, you will succeed.
7. Become a professional
Being a writer is a real job. You need to spend hours thinking about the best metaphor for the story or develop interesting and amusing plot connections. But there are days when you feel reluctant to write. This is your time to grow. You can’t become a
professional writer if you write only in good spirits. Set a rule to write your minimum set of words and stick to it. Sometimes writing even 100 words will be challenging for you. We are humans. We have circumstances. But you should get yourself together and overcome the difficulties on your way to perfection. If it is difficult for you to stick to the word count, you can set a timer and follow your daily routine. This can be a way out if you feel like abandon story writing and have rest.
8. Rewrite it
Congratulations! You have managed a good story and can finally celebrate. But wait a bit. You can’t lose your grip on the process and forget about it. You are halfway done. When your story is more or less ready, it is time to rewrite it. Rewriting is known to be a good practice to check the text and see its pitfalls. You don’t need to rewrite every thought or idea. It would be complete masochism. Your task is to take a look at the text and rephrase general ideas. If something sounds weird or looks redundant, change it. When you have the second variant, go ahead and edit it. Here you can check your grammar rules knowledge. Once you hailed this step, it will be easier next time.
9. Ask for feedback
While writing is the most difficult step and checking the most boring, there is another thing to be scared about. This is asking for feedback. You write for the people. Thus, you need to listen to their commentaries. There are two options for you: you can reach to your family members and friends or find a mentor. In the first case, you won’t get professional feedback. You relatives and friends can share their subjective opinion or tell whether they like the story. In other words, you won’t get a professional opinion for your story. Thus, you have to find a mentor and ask to help you. It can be another writer or a worker from a publishing community. These people should be passionate about writing, know the ins and outs of the industry, and know what they talk about. This way, they can give a professional piece of advice about your writing.
10. Introduce final amendments
You have written your text and edited it. What’s next? Now you have to make final amendments. If you were fearless enough to ask for true feedback on your text, you have probably got commentaries on how to improve the text. So, now you need to look through the writing one more time and change what your mentor pointed out. At the beginning of your writing career, it is better to listen carefully to what professionals advise. You don’t have to listen to it blindly. But it is always a good chance to look at the text from a different point of view. It is a useful practice if you are an aspiring writer.
11. Share your work with the world
If you want to become a writer, you need to be ready to share your writings with other people. When your work is ready, you should consider publishing it on some kind of a platform. You can turn to a publisher or self-publish it. If you are afraid of publishing your first work, you can simply share it with your friends. You, as a writer, will always get criticism. People will reject your variant or even refuse to read them. But if you want to become a professional, you have to learn to accept the refusal. Thus, you need to publish your works from the very beginning. But don’t let someone make you feel diminished. Remember that you have created a masterpiece. It is challenging to listen to the commentaries of other people. Especially if they are negative, try not to pay attention to every word you hear connected with your writing. Sift through the comments and accept only constructive criticism.
12. Keep going
You are a writer. You need to be strong to overcome every difficulty that is on your way to success. You also need to understand that success won’t come instantly. You should work hard and develop your style to get recognition and love from your readers. Remember to pay attention to basics. Don’t restrict yourself to simple imagination and creativity. Mind the rules of your language and improve your knowledge. Find like-minded people and join their community. Together you will come to prominence. But always remember why you started. Money and recognition can’t be your motivation. There should be something more elevated. You have to bring value to the readers and enjoy them. This way, they will like your art and continue reading your masterpieces.
Everyone can become a writer. It isn’t an impossible mission. If you have a great desire and commitment, you will find time and force to reach your goals. Be persistent and make every effort to improve. Tell your friends about your passions, develop your talent, and take inspiration in everything you have around you. And remember that practice will always make it perfect.