Сase control study as academic paper

Have you ever faced with a familiar task, but unfamiliar particularities? The case study definition really suits such a mental problem. So almost every student feels anxious, and a part of them start writing without serious issues. As you understand, the result may be good or bad. Unfortunately, you can’t always be sure what to expect. Many students require a professional solution, like hiring an author. And this is a more successful option.
No matter your difficulties, but professors often give you such tasks, especially if you study business at university. There are different types of case studies, for example, critical instance case study, pilot case study, illustrative paper, etc. Other sources prefer to divide case studies into descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory. The same is fair if you are interested in what is a case control study (this is an example of an observation study). They may have additional particularities, but in general, the writer must start with the definition of such a task.
Let’s clarify a stand: the case study is not a method, but a combination of approaches to make conclusions. But it is okay to call case study a method in close-knit circles.
Case study definition: psychology and other subjects
A case study is a part of the whole academic writing team. Students need to make such texts during their whole education period, and the final mark for this task always influences your reputation and study process. So they have no chance to skip the case study if the professor told you the topic and deadline.
At the same time, the case study is a research method in which we can explore and explain different issues. Such a task in academic writings helps professors to estimate the analytical skills of each student. Besides, they can make an interesting conclusion which can become a basis or even thesis statements in their future projects.
Well, a case study is similar to other academic papers. But on the other hand, it requires additional skills. For instance, the writer must have critical thinking to make fair conclusions in the exact situation. That’s why try to collect all the information about this task before writing the first sentence.
What is a case study in psychology? This is a kind of method to make researches. A case study is an important approach in psychology because it allows diving deep into the soul of a person. Besides, you can investigate the behavior and feelings of a group of people, even, big company, and even a topic. That’s why it is not only a type of academic paper but also a useful tool for specialists in psychology. They add observation and interview methods to gain a full view of the situation or personality.
How to prepare for writing a case study
In writing a case study you require to be smart and skillful enough. But this is not the whole list of requirements for the writer. According to the experience of our writing platform, time management is another important thing. Such skill allows the writer making the paper step by step and never miss a deadline. Remember, that no one will accept your paper when you are out of time. Perfect timing is only a part of your success, so find out case control study definition beforehand and gather all your efforts before starting the writing process.
So if you want to create great case study then use this guide. Our experts created it several years ago to help writes do their job. And right now you can also take all the advantages of this how-to/ Let’s start with the preparation stage. It requires plenty of time but also means at least half of success. That’s why start with preparing yourself and all important materials, and only after this continue with writing.
First of all, read the task of your case study attentively. It is ridiculous, but many students make simple mistakes because of ignoring this stage. They review the task and hurry up to finish writing. But just stop and think: usually the answer to your question is hiding inside the task description. So read it several times and highlight the most important elements. Once you are closely got acquainted with your assignment, you can continue the preparation stage:
- Find the main issue of your task, so you can plan your paper structure;
- Try to understand the causes of such situation, which must be fully described;
- Create the outline with the main points and sections of your case study to use this structure in the future;
- Investigate the case and effect connections, so you can explain why something happens and what are its consequences;
- Write the potential solutions for your situation, trying to solve the problem and reduce the negative consequences of it.
Note, that your solution may differ from other authors or experts in this field. It is okay and demonstrates the variations of options among different researchers. So don’t consider your solution wrong, let experts do this job.
How to do a case study
When you made these basic steps then you can continue the in-depth job with your case study. It includes the main writing elements which should be done according to your outline. Follow this list to include essential parts to the structure of your case study. Here are the main elements of your paper:
- Introduction. This is the first text section your readers will see. That’s why it must be positive, encouraging, and professional. The introduction will contain the identification of the main problem of your subject and thesis statements. Try to make this part short, for instance, just for several sentences.
- Background. This is the basic information about your research, which seems useless, but in a real-life, influences on the findings of your case study. Add here any relevant statistics, facts, etc. to explain the background of your topic. All
good case study examples include the background, so you should too. - Alternatives. This section is small but includes several alternative thoughts about your issue with short descriptions. Also, you need to explain why these alternatives are interesting and why they were not accepted.
- Solution. This is the key to your case study. This section is meant to explain one real solution to the problem and the reasons why this choice is the best among all alternatives. But you must demonstrate your position not only with your ideas but support it with theoretical concepts, researches, etc. The results of your investigation may also be the same.
- Recommendations. Try to continue your analytical part with special strategies in supporting your solution. For instance, the author can give advice for the next actions. Remember that the recommendation section is highly valued. But review your assignment and find out, do you need to write it or no. Sometimes it is optional for students.
Note, that before writing the further parts of case study you should check your previous writing. If there is any mistake, then it will transfer into the real catastrophe of the main part of your paper. Use the double check and your attention to make sure you did the best on the preparation stage.
How to write a medical case study
Such a report is a very helpful document in medical practice. At the same time, it is not easy to write, because it includes an assortment of medical terms, procedures, etc. A medical case study contains the doctors’ experience in treating the exact person. But you should keep the standard format for such document and avoid ad-libbing.
Here are several tips on how to write a medical case study:
- write down the title (it must contain the word combination ‘case study’ or ‘case report,’ the patient’s anamnesis and process of treatment with the current condition);
- share the authors’ name (it could be a person who has written the text and person who is in charge of any further questions about the exact patient);
- add keywords, so the database can recognize your case study (it is important for people who fill a search for this document in the future);
- write the case study (start with the abstract, then make an introduction, and so on);
- present your case in narrative format (mention why patient required medical help and share the results of his or her tests);
- keep the patient’s privacy (use a personal number to mark the case or false name if it is really important)
- explain the plan for patient’s care;
- make final thoughts about the case (mention the new findings for science and medical workers);
- provide all medical staff with important information about exact patient;
- make the reference list.
Remember that every medical case study belongs to one patient with unique health grounds and treatment prescriptions. So be attentive and responsible while writing such kind of medical document. The best option is to use examples and create your reports according to the gold standard.
Your mistakes in case study
There is a list of frequently happened mistakes for case studies. According to our professional experience, no one is safe from them. If you know how to write a case study and are going to make it by yourself, then keep avoiding most spread problems. Here they are:
- to use any other type of writing except official (it can cause misunderstanding with your professor);
- the lack of significant information such as data, facts, statistics (as a result of your case study may lose its value in scientific word);
- the overload with details of your research (that can cause the absence of focus in your paper);
- mistakes in your research methods choice (let’s be honest, that you can’t get fair results with wrong methods);
- the poor value of your case study (if it doesn’t contain anything except cliché and mishmash).
These are the TOP-5 of mistakes in the case study, which you can avoid. The same recommendations are fair if you are looking for information on how to write a case study analysis. The best way is to
ask a professional writer for help. He is experienced enough to make the task fast, exciting, and share additional information with you. Be sure, you will get only advantages from such cooperation.