Process Essay Topics: Choose One And Create Original Paper

Independent work of students is the main way of mastering the educational material in their free time from classroom studies. The main form of extracurricular independent work is essay writing. Performing such type of work contributes to the formation of students’ independent analytical activity skills, an increase in their theoretical training, better assimilation of educational material, and the development of professional competencies.
There are many types of essays, but in this article, we will tell you in detail about the specifics of creating a process essay and provide a list of the most interesting process essay topics.
Process Essay Definition
A process essay is a kind of ‘how-to’ paper. It contains practical tips and instructions. In this paper, you tell the reader how something is done, for example, how a certain dish is prepared, how a soft toy is made, etc. A good process essay should step by step guide the reader through all points while not focusing on one thing. Of course, the details are very important, but still, you should not use them too much, as such a paper can tire the reader and turn out to be uninteresting to him/her. Therefore, it is important to include the information that really matters.
Process Essay Writing Guidelines
Below are instructions on how to write a process essay step by step. Study them carefully if you really want to create a quality paper.
Choosing a Topic
When choosing a topic for work, a student can be guided by his scientific interest, acquired experience in writing reports and articles, studying special literature, and the teacher’s recommendations. It should be remembered that the wording of the topic should be clear in the form (avoid double interpretation); contain keywords that represent the research work; be specific, but not general (do not contain indefinite words like ‘some’, ‘special’, etc.); contain a real task; be compact.
Collection of Material
It is necessary to select the appropriate informational, statistical material and conduct its preliminary analysis with a chosen topic. The most accessible sources of literature include bookstores and libraries, both traditional and electronic. The search and selection of literature can be carried out on the basis of library catalogs, card files, bibliographic databases, publications of scientific and technical information bodies, bibliographic indexes, as well as using reference books and search engines on the Internet.
Analysis of Found Information
After completing the information-bibliographic search, it is necessary to analyze what was found. At the first acquaintance with the literature, it is advisable to compile a bibliography of sources. Without rewriting the entire table of contents of the source, you only need to highlight what relates to the topic of the work (key dates, facts) and try to answer the questions: What is the main idea of the section (article, book) as a whole? What are the arguments used to prove it? How to use the main thoughts in your work? Having worked with one source according to this technique, you need to move on to the next, and so on – for all sources.
In the case of working with electronic information, it is advisable to collect text into one file, separating semantic blocks using automatic formatting of headings.
The Outline Creation
After analyzing all the material, it is necessary to systematize it and draw up an outline for all work. Creating a well thought out, structured, and detailed plan is half the work. The structure of any academic work, as a rule, includes three parts: an introduction, body, and conclusion. Of course, at this stage of work, students need consultations with a teacher.
Writing an Introduction
Writing a competent introduction is important to set and formulate a problem to justify the need to write a work and your approaches to the problem. The introduction begins with a justification of the relevance of the chosen topic. Relevance is a mandatory requirement for any research. It will be easy to clearly and unambiguously define a scientific problem and, thus, to formulate its essence if the applicant of higher education manages to draw the line between knowledge and ignorance of the subject of research. Any unbiased research that is useful for society is relevant. The scientific, practical significance of the work must be convincingly proved by the author. The relevance of the topic is also due to its insufficient study or the need to rethink on the basis of previously unavailable sources and literature.
Thus, the introduction is a very important part of the essay, as it contains all the necessary qualifications of the study. This is a kind of business card of the whole work because it determines the relevance, scope of the study, as well as the author’s mastery of the chosen problem.
Main Paragraphs
The main text is usually built on the key link ‘thesis-argument’. An idea or concept that offers a way to explain the key questions of research work is put forward, followed by a transition to examples and argumentation. It is better to choose examples so that they grab attention and clearly demonstrate the content of the question. If a student has correctly stated someone’s theoretical positions, the work is only abstract in nature. Process essays require critical arguments. They can be introduced in different ways: ‘collide’ the positions of two authors or express their own arguments. The most valuable in presenting the essence of the issue under study will be the designation of one’s own position and a reasoned presentation of the results obtained during the work.
A prerequisite for work is a citation. A quote often helps to confirm the correctness of the point of view and gives weight and meaning to the whole work. However, it is important to observe the measure: the quotation should only confirm the idea and not obscure it. Each quote must necessarily have a bibliographic link to the author; no more than 2-3 citations can be on one page, it is not recommended to use several citations in a row.
The conclusion reflects the main results of the study. It is based on the results of the analysis of the materials presented in the sections of the main text of the work, do not repeat them, but generalize. It usually confirms the achievement of the goal and objectives indicated in the introduction.
Return to the Table of Contents
At the final stage of creating a process essay, it is recommended to return back to the table of contents to see if the main issues of the topic were covered and whether the tasks set in the work were solved.
85 Interesting Process Essay Topics
Are you having difficulty choosing an essay topic? Take a look at the list of process essay examples below. Surely you will be able to find there the topic that interests you:
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Each of the above is considered a good essay topic for a process essay. Pick the idea that interests you the most, and start writing your paper now!
Time to Begin Process Essay Writing
If you have already managed to choose a process analysis example, thanks to the information provided in this article, you can proceed to writing the paper. Why waste your time? Start working right now.
Disclosure of the topic should be clear, consistent, purposeful. You should beware of entering the details into the material, as well as some significant facts if they do not relate to the topic directly. The study must be independent and complete. When presenting the material, keep in mind that copying text from books, brochures, dissertations, abstracts, monographs, magazine articles, and other materials is not allowed. Higher education students can use these sources’ materials in their work only after reflection, critical analysis, and evaluation or as arguments of their own position. The style of written scientific language is an impersonal monologue. It involves presenting material from a third party to focus on the content rather than the subject.
In conclusion, it is necessary to indicate that you should combine the accumulated information into interrelated text. For this, you can use different language clichés as a means of connecting sentences and paragraphs. Enlist our support if you need it, and you will definitely cope with the task!