How To Write Sat Essay

In an SAT exam, most of the provided questions are multiple choices, and before encountering the math questions set in different degrees of complexity. There is a provided section for an essay if the student chooses to do it. It requires the student to read through a passage and
write down an essay after critical analysis. It requires 50 minutes altogether to work on this section. It might seem a little odd that the work provided has a little timeframe accorded to it. One is allowed to build the SAT essay template to create a visual background that you will work on to input every information needed to achieve the highest score.
Tips for Writing SAT Essay
There are several SAT essay tips and tricks, and knowing what is the best SAT essay format is a sure way of coming up with first-class work. After identifying the elements and contents required in your SAT essay, you need to ensure each part is well organized and there is a logical flow of ideas. The use of the generic five-paragraph essay format is vital in defining the formatting of your work. In this format, the elements are divided as per the required paragraphs. The introduction carries 2-3 body paragraphs, with each paragraph dedicated to each argumentative technique you plan to discuss. Your thesis statement should be used in both the introduction and conclusion elements, with the same content and meaning, but the use of different wordings to narrate it.
SAT Essay Writing Tips
There are five elements that make up the template to be used to write an SAT essay. They are SAT essay winning tips that help create a well-structured essay that a grader can be impressed with. To start with, an introduction should be made, to enable the grader to gain the attention and impression for the work the writer is presenting. Avoid skipping into the argumentative aspects.
A clear thesis statement is another element that is of importance in writing an SAT essay. This section allows the writer to clearly argue about the validity of the points presented to give perspective and relevance to the text. Any SAT grader will not award points based on the reader’s stance, rather how the points put across have been well structured and argued by the writer to make sense. The task within an SAT essay requires the writer to reveal to the grader that they have based their argument on critical analysis and structuring, with a high level of clarity and coherent reasoning. For example, when given an essay, “explain how Dr. Mercola argues that people need to stop or reduce the reliance on using microwaves. In your essay, do an analysis of how Dr. Mercola uses one or more features listed above (or include your own features) to give a firm foundation to logic and persuasiveness in his argument. Be sure to put the focus on the use of the most relevant features in your analysis.” A bad thesis is unclear on how the author’s arguments are based for example “the author puts an effort in telling his audience that use of microwaves has negative effects.” It lacks specificity to back up the author’s argument, rather it just hints on Dr. Mercola’s argument. A good thesis statement would have read, “Dr. Mercola’s consideration of qualitative data, and counter-arguments that relate to his viewpoint on the use of microwaves enrich his argument through logic and persuasiveness, that people really need to either stop or reduce the use of microwaves.”
Another important key element of the SAT essay tips and tricks involves the use of specific examples to support your point. This supports the thesis by providing qualitative and quantitative information that gives body to the writer’s thesis. Avoid paraphrasing an entire passage, or giving an explanation of why you agree or disagree with the author’s argument. Put your focus on giving the grader a logical example that is relevant and self-generated.
The fourth element involves giving explanations of the examples provided to support your point firmly. As a part of the tips for SAT essay writing, each example should not just include the details of it, rather an explanation should be given of how each example validates an argument technique and its persuasive strength. For instance, the writer is to discuss how the author uses vivid language to make the reader agree with their perspective. Give an explanation as to why the provided example demonstrates vivid language and why it is persuasive to the reader.
The last element of the SAT essay tips is the conclusion. This section should start by restating your thesis statement, and provide examples that you wrote within your essay. You should also indicate how they supported your essay. This section does not require additional information, rather a strong precise statement that summarizes your arguments in the context to provide a clear summary of your work.
The five-paragraph template outline should include the following:
Introduction (3-5 sentences)
The statement that begins should explain the main argument and what it is founded on. Additionally, it should provide an insight into what is to be discussed. The thesis statement should follow, and should include a clear listing of aspects that you will discuss based on the author’s argument. The approach can either be specific or vague, with your opinion supported with proof.
Example 1
The first paragraph should be introduced with a specified transition from the introduction to the body of the author’s text. The writer should then provide relevant information indicating areas the persuasive technique was employed and how they were appropriately used. Finally, give an explanation of how the example is given strengthens the author’s argument.
Example 2
It should transition from the previous paragraph using one sentence. There should be a provision of at least one example that serves as an indicator of how persuasive technique was used by the author. Give a good explanation of how this example influences the reader about the author’s outlook.
Example 3
The formatting of this paragraph aligns with that of the second paragraph. The third example should be used only if it is a strong source of reference that relates to the viewpoint you are trying to put across. The transition from the previous paragraph should start it off and account for a single sentence, followed by a specific example describing the use of persuasive text within the context, which should be about 2-5 sentences. Finally, give an explanation as to why the provided example persuades the reader of the author’s point of view.
Use about one or two sentences to rewrite using different words, the thesis statement in the introduction of your essay. One may choose to write examples used in about another one or two sentences.
The SAT template outline can be based on the five paragraph format. Here is a sample example of my final SAT Essay template written by using the five-paragraph format: “Within his commentary, Dr. Mercola expresses his firm stand against the day to day use of microwaves countrywide. He expresses his stance and belief that microwave use drains too much power and in the end, there are health consequences that come with its use. Dr. Mercola strengthens his argument by the use of quantitative data. He also gives credit to counterarguments, using vivid language to give a clear picture of the basis of his argument.
Looking at his introductory chapter, the author uses associated statistical data collected to indicate the consequences that are likely to occur if microwaves are constantly used at home to warm food. He states that “In this article, I will review what we know about the effects microwaves have on your food and on your health. Hopefully I will convince you to get rid of your microwave as even when you are using it to sterilize kitchen sponges; it contaminates your environment with biologically damaging radiation.” This statement will clearly spark the reader’s process of internal dialogue, and question the significance of their use. The statement highlights the health damages that are likely to occur with the constant use of microwaves, which can be avoided to maintain the average health status. Furthermore, it can only mean that microwave use has skyrocketed over the years, and its purchase has been at a higher level. The users have resulted in using a microwave in the kitchen extensively and there is a rising health risk on the verge of becoming an international concern. Conclusions made through this research are worth the attention awarded. Dr. Mercola’s use of factual data to highlight this dilemma empowers the reader to reason through the based arguments and drive to a reliable conclusion. However, a rhetorical consequence is likely to occur as the reader results in agreeing with Mercola’s thesis, instead of being an unengaged audience. This is brought about by the reader’s ability to conform to logic, thus agreeing with Mercola’s argument.
After Dr. Mercola introduces his argument with factual data, he extensively addresses any counterarguments to his thesis. He starts by acknowledging that there exist valid reasons and advantages of microwave use as stated by other authors, with arguments such as; “We use a microwave in our kitchen to reheat very small amounts of food, say, a ramekin of cauliflower or butternut squash puree. We will only use it for 30 seconds. It also helps us keep the washing-up to a minimum. Trying to heat such a small amount in a pan is difficult as it could burn. I know some pastry chefs who use a microwave rather than a bain-marie to melt chocolate and other chefs who use them to dry herbs. If you have a very small workforce in your kitchen, I think they are essential for some tasks. I would never use a microwave to cook meat or fish, though.” This justification allows the author to head off the most impulsive critics. Any reader who has just gone through Dr. Mercola’s thesis would have their points of objections if not well addressed. However, Dr. Mercola goes further and addresses his stance of not being a total anti-microwave activist, which disengages the reader from perceiving him as one. This paves the way for the reader to accept his central basis.
Going back to his antagonistic perception of the microwave use, Dr. Mercola utilizes vivid language to make is message understood clearly. He argues on “how constant use of microwaves can cause biological damage.” He further engages the reader’s perception by arguing on the other health effects that are likely to occur, “this could explain why we are having an exponential increase in many diseases like autism, Alzheimer’s, arrhythmias, anxiety, depression and male infertility.
This description strikes the reader’s stance, and this likely happens if the reader is a constant microwave user. The presented arguments force the reader to reason and partly, if not at all, accept the potential harm that is posed by the use of a microwave. The natural conclusion will be not to use them anymore. The use of visual imagery by adapting vivid language allows Dr. Mercola’s message to be openly accepted. The passage employs both quantitative and qualitative data, acknowledges counterarguments, and vivid language is used to vote against the use of microwaves. The reader is influenced to rethink the use of a microwave, and is left with the option to adopt either of the two choices.”
The above sample provides an insight into SAT tips for essay writing. The template has been utilized effectively to address the author’s interest adequately.
How to improve SAT test score
What is a good score for SAT?
There are several SAT essay tips and tricks that can be used by the writer to improve their SAT score. To start with, the student should understand “What is a good score for SAT?” This is based on a percentile which mirrors the percentage of students who had a low score than you on an SAT test. This will be calibrated to give an average grade range for the best score needed to be achieved. The student needs to focus on achieving maximum results and focus on sections that need his attention and can be tackled swiftly and with enough background knowledge excellence. Additionally, the students should ask themselves what is the average score for an SAT exam. It ranges from 400 – 1600, as per the requirements set by the College Board, with 1083 being the average score.
What is the average score?
On average, the student should attain 541 points on average in math, and 543 points for reading and writing section, each with maximum attainment points of 800.
In summary, you should know several tips for writing the SAT essay that will direct you on how to improve SAT test score. Providing a clear thesis should be of paramount importance, and your work should constitute an introduction and conclusion section. Another point is that the choice of words matters a lot, as complex words should be avoided, including slang or any jargon. Additionally, you should stick to the information conveyed within the passage to maintain relevance and achieve a higher score. Lastly, apply focus on actual facts and statistical data that relates to the context.
Other SAT essay tips and tricks include the following; ensuring you read the prompt before the passage. This is because it contains the author’s claim and by reading through it, it will provide an overall idea of what the author has placed his focus on, and the argument that is relevant for use. Another tip involves the use of accurate facts to build your argument, which should make sense to the targeted readers. Another trick is using an additional single page for your essay. This guarantees a higher score when grading is done. This involves including the introduction with a strong thesis statement, 4-5 body paragraphs, and a substantial conclusion. Reading through the passage analytically will allow you to correct any errors, from punctuation to grammatically errors. This will ensure you achieve a higher score when the work presented fits professional standards as compared to a work by a novice. Lastly, you should determine persuasive techniques such as application of personal jokes, credible facts or statistics and even expression of emotions within the context. This will enable you to achieve a higher score.
When writing an SAT essay test, remember to stick to the template outline to allow the arrangement and structure of your work make sense to the reader. The thesis statement should highlight argumentative and persuasive techniques that fit your point of view. This will provide a degree of impression to the reader and will determine whether interest will be taken to read all through their work. Applying the provided tips for writing the SAT essay will ensure that you improve your SAT test score and achieve the required average score for an SAT exam.