Comprehensive Explanations for UNC Supplemental Essays

Together with the essay, which you attach to your Common App, you have to select 2 questions from the offered below and comment on them in 200-250 words. The essay replies composed on the basis of those questions must differ from your essay reply to the common application.
The University of North Carolina aims to build a diverse and inclusive student community. According to UNC, students can grow to their best only if they study side by side with students from various backgrounds. When reading your replies, admissions expect to find out what being a part of such a community means to you.
Tell in detail about your identity aspects (for instance, your race, religion, sexual identity, culture, affinity group, and so on.). In what way this aspect of your identity formed your life experiences as yet?
Carolina looks for students who will add to the inclusivity and diversity on campus. If you doubt, what aspect of your identity to write about, we advise you to choose the one, which affects most the way you interact with the world. It is best if you combine the selected aspect with some anecdotes. Perhaps, you’ve decided to expand on your sexual identity, so share with the admissions how it feels to be a trans person in 2020. Maybe you personalize #BlackGirlMagic and never miss the opportunity to glorify your community and legacy. No matter what part of your identity you select to describe, speak in specifics, and take the chance to communicate with admissions using your authentic voice.
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If it was possible to change a single thing about your place of living, what could it be and why?
Make sure not to write about the first thing that comes to your mind, like opening a new pizza parlor, or free drinks on Sundays. Admissions expect to receive a serious reply about a current issue. Actually, there are lots of issues to address. Just choose the one which resonates with you. Possibly, you’re concerned about the environment, so you would be happy to organize a smart waste sorting in your town. Also, you may want to speak about your place of living in global meaning, like addressing hunger issues around the world. Remember, though, to answer the last question – “why.” If you already participate in solving the issue described, it will be a bonus if you mention it too, as UNC is interested in passionate students who are not just aware of the problem but want to take part in its solving.
Describe a person who you take as a community builder. What measures have been taken by this person? In what way their work influenced your life?
Who do you seek inspiration from? Carolina wants to be aware of your idol and/or advisor to understand what’s important for you. If you hear the phrase “community builder,” what comes to mind? Maybe for you, it’s your grandma who invites all your extended family for dinner every weekend to bond over her delicious meal. What do these gatherings mean to you?
Perhaps, you don’t know anyone in person who you want to write about. However, if you follow a person who can be referred to as a community builder on Instagram and inspires its followers to change something for the better, use it. Whoever you select, write more about his/her impact on your life, as UNC will be looking into your application.
UNC expects you’ll share the activities you consider meaningful. So, don’t write about everything you’ve been occupied with or about things that don’t mean much to you just because they might be cool to do. Remember that simple things may be as important or good as those which attract much attention. Even if attending a new club, for instance, is both a wonderful and useful experience, admissions don’t want you to hurl into this if it keeps you from caring for your grandparents or being a good friend. Thus, even though receiving complete résumés is pleasant, it is not required by UNC. Contrary, if you decide to submit information, which goes beyond the data in your Common Application, keep it short. Better, explain the things, which mean a lot to you, and upload it.
You may haven’t noticed this prompt on UNC’s app at first. However, you can see this long prompt in the section “Activities” of the Common Application. As indicated in the prompt, use the opportunity to expand on an experience, or activity, which is significant for you. You may describe the feeling of community you experience when playing in your football team, the friendship that originated from a summer camp, or the present you could afford to buy for your mom after working shifts on a gas station. No matter what you decide to write about, the main thing is to show the admissions, what really is important for you. So, quality is more important than quantity here.